Monday, June 23, 2008

Thank the Lord for VBS!

For all you non-Jesus lovers out there, VBS stands for Vacation Bible School. What this means for me is 4 hours of freedom every day from my loving children. For FREE! And they provide lunch. Yes, they have to be there early, but I am more than willing to jump out of bed knowing that I will get 4 hours of quiet for 1 whole week. What could be better than that?

And since Jay and I are not religious people, my children are learning about all God's good deeds from someone who actually knows more than I do. So the pressure is off me. NIIIIIICE, right. Plus it makes my grandparents happy. I know it bothers them that we don't attend church, but this is their consolation prize. It makes them happy, I'm happy. It's a win-win situation.

Tomorrow is a very special day for Kenzie. After we ditch the boys at VBS, we are heading to speech and then going to manicures. Her prize for not biting her nails. Our deal with her was that after I cut her nails (the first time I've had to do this in close to 2 years because she bites them until they bleed) we would head to the salon to get our nails painted and she could get a pretty flower put on her finger. She was so excited, and we made sure to make a big deal about it so that she would see it was truly great that she had kicked such a disgusting habit. She is very happy that she will have her mommy to herself for a few hours tomorrow. Any time spent alone with her mommy or daddy is truly her favorite type of time. That girl thrives on attention. After that, we are heading to the hospital to have lunch with daddy. Double bonus since both her parents will be focused on her at the same time. She will out of control happy.

Guess how much weight I've lost? Come on, guess? Seven pounds! Yeah ME! And that is barely trying, imagine what I could do if I actually worked out or ate 5 meals a day. I can explain, I can. My day consists of skipping breakfast, instead downing a few cups of coffee. Lunch is usually bi-passed, and if I do eat it, it's half a sandwich or a piece of fruit. Then I eat dinner, which in our house is usually pretty healthy. That's it. On occasion I may have a Clif bar mid-day. So if I actually listened to my know-it-all husband and actually ate 5 small meals a day I could probably double the weight. He's been running and has lost 30 pounds. I have tried explaining to him that even if I ran like he does and did the workout he does, I still may have only lost 10 pounds. Because someone who shall remain nameless while the children are in HIS house for free is a funny man who thinks it is funny that women need to work quadruple as hard to lose any weight compared to a man.

I promise to get around to reading your blogs. I have barely been on the computer since I've had my nose buried in a book during all my spare time. I'm sure I'll find time this week. Unless I start reading another good book. Right now I'm reading Loving Frank and even though it can be slow, it is still pretty good. I'm also reading Eat Cake and A Mango Shaped Space. I'm having a hard time with that one. It is very slow but I really want to stick it out because it came highly recommended. I like books that grab you from the beginning and keep you wanting more. Slow starters are pretty hard for me, but I like when it all of a sudden pulls you in. Pillars of the Earth was like that, and it is one of my favorite books.

So I'll be around, I promise. Enjoy your week!


Cate Subrosa said...

Congratulations on the weight loss.

By the way, I love your comment policy. It cracks me up!

Princess in Galoshes said...

Hope you are getting a little down-time, finally! At least you are getting some reading time in, that's good. I need a good chick-lit book. I've read Emily Griffin's stuff, but I don't love it. Any other recommendations?

Happy summer. :-)

Angel said...

7 pounds? biatch! ;)

I used to LOVELOVELOVE VBS!!! Until I had to WORK it...then I hated it. I'm kinda sad my kids are too big to go now....just those few hours of freedom were wonderful!

enjoy ice cream! ;) congrats!! for reals.

Lizzle said...

Oh, you'd love it even more around here... there are all kinds of churches that offer VBS, some of them even offer full-day and overnight VBS! And all on different weeks of the summer! Some of my clients have taken to using it as an alternative to paying for daycare! CLASS ALL THE WAY!

I remember VBS though... a lot of sitting in circles singing songs about Noah and Jesus, and making sparkly macaroni pictures of bible scenes, or making pine cone bird feeders "to nourish all god's creatures!"

My parents must've been laughing their heads off when they sent us to that mess!

Mighty Dyckerson said...

Nice going, tubby! Lay off the bon bons and you may lose another pound or two!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I was missing for a bit. I'm back.


Crankyputz said...

Good for you on the weight loss.

Funny how when your not trying things like that get easier...