We leave in 2 1/2 days for the beach, and before I go, I am going to have to launder these clothes a few more times. And why can't the kids just wear different clothes instead of re-dirtying these ones, you may wonder. Well because my kids are old enough to have an opinion (meaning: old enough to argue), and they like to wear their favorite things over and over and over. And it is easier to just let them and not argue. The only time I mind is when we leave the house and they look like orphans. Evan has yet to understand that orange shorts and a red t-shirt do not go together, Mason thinks it is easier to dress all in one color and then he looks like a crayon. And Kenzie, well, Kenzie tries to wear Princess attire or ballet outfits ALL THE TIME, no matter where we are going. So, I wash these quickly-turning-into-rags clothes over and over again, week after week.
Besides, I hate leaving dirty clothes in the hamper when we are gone, especially since we are leaving for 8 days.
I swear, when we win the lottery, I am only wearing an outfit once and then it goes to charity. Then I don't have to do laundry and I'm still doing a good deed. Or I could just pay someone to do laundry for us. No, I like the idea of new clothes better. But I hate trying stuff on, so maybe I'll pay someone. But....I'll have bought a new body by then and so I won't mind trying on clothes. Damnit, now thinking about winning the lottery is going to stress me out.
See what laundry does to me. I need a drink. Now.
Just wait until they get in their teens and start leaving money in their pockets and throw them in the laundry room for "good old mom" to wash. You strike it rich. Finders keepers. You and your brothers were warned.
1. my nephew bought an astronaut jumpsuit at a garage sale for 25 cents and wore it every single day for, like, 4 whole months. they were highwaters and the sleeves went to the middle of his forearm and i just wanted to shake him and say, 'hey kid! don't be such a retard! you know all the other kids are just going to make fun of you for wearing that shit!'
2. and i know this because when i was in the third grade, my aunt bought me pink snowboots (i live in texas) and i wore that shit to school every single day because i thought i was jem. and i got made fun of. and although that made me a stronger person in some ways, i wound up growing a complex about snowboots and who wants that? my life sucks now.
I feel ya on the laudry thing! I do laundry everyday because I am a bit OCD wiht cleaining and shit like that...so the laundry becomes teh bain of my existence!
Ooooh. If I win the lottery I am so stealing your idea of do-good clothes shopping. And I will also ship you a large crate of chardonnay.
Laundry does the same thing to me. Oh how I hate it. Oh. The stress.
In other news...
Have a good trip.
And here's to paying someone to do your laundry for you. That is SO my plan once we hit the big time. Oh, heaven, PLEASE let us hit the big time....
When I click on the picture it gives me the full version, in which I can see multiple pairs of your underwear. Awesome.
Mom- That was payback for all the money I stole from your purse.
Crystal- I wore my Wonder Woman underoos all the time! There are just too many pictures of me wearing it on so many occasions. I feel you on being made fun of for it.
Jenny- I have no problem washing the laundry and putting it in the dryer, and I lose all motivation to fold it when it's done. Hence the huge mound of clean laundry at the foot of my bed.
Princess- Here's hoping you win, cause I am fresh outta alcohol.
Nello- Laundry is my punishment for all the evil things I did when I was younger. And congrats on your new award. It was well deserved!
BP- You know I don't wear underwear. Those are your Care Bear panties in the pile.
Ah, the OCD prevents me from leaving it around...i wish that i could just leave it...just once!
I came to check on your songs.. but they aint there!
Jenny, It is right above the this blog and right below the Harry Potter blog.
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